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This repository contains the source files for the dlim R package that implements distributed lag interaction models as described in the paper:

  • Demateis D, Keller KP, Rojas-Rueda D, Kioumourtzoglou M-A, Wilson A (2024). “Penalized Distributed Lag Interaction Model: Air Pollution, Birth Weight and Neighborhood Vulnerability.” Environmetrics. (DOI: 10.1002/env.2843, arXiv preprint)

Simulation scripts from the manuscript can be found at

The dlim package estimates a distributed lag model with modification by a single continuous factor. If you are instead interested in a DLM with modification by a single categorical or binary variable see the bdlim package. If you are interested in distributed lag models with heterogeneity by with multiple modifiers see the heterogeneous distributed lag model in the dlmtree package.


Install from CRAN:


Install from GitHub:


A vignette is available on the package website or in the package using the following code.
